Venue 13 Attends CCTA Launch in NYC, Marking the Announcement of CCTA as Part of Venue 13’s 2025 Program

  • Venue 13 was invited to attend Climate Change Theatre Action’s (CCTA) launch event, celebrating ten years of climate-focused theatre and marking the official launch of Venue 13’s 2025 programme
  • The event featured the announcement of the festival’s 2025 theme, program, and how to get involved, and the launch of the latest CCTA anthology, which includes the 50 plays commissioned for the 2023 festival 
  • CCTA 2025, in partnership with Venue 13, will open a call on March 14 for partner artists and companies to co-host 18 readings during the Edinburgh Festival in August 2025. 
  • CCTA 2025 and Venue 13 will partner with organisations such as Culture for Climate Scotland and the Traverse Theatre for the series during the Edinburgh Festival. 
  • This will mark the 10-year anniversary of CCTA and the last round of CCTA commissions of new plays, bringing a decade of impactful storytelling to a close.  
  • Media images link: 

New York, 1st March 2025 – Today, at Theatre Row, the Venue 13 team joined Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA) as it proudly celebrates its 10-year anniversary with a preview of the 2025 festival and the launch of its latest anthology, “All Good Things Must Begin,” containing the 50 original plays commissioned in 2023, 

This celebration marks the official launch of Venue 13’s 2025 programme, with a selection of plays confirmed to grace Harry Younger Hall this August. 

 CCTA Reading by (L to R) Zoe Kay, Penelope Deen, Sivan Raz

During their milestone event, CCTA announced the writers of 10 newly commissioned plays, which will join a selection of works from the last decade to create the CCTA 2025 collection. . These plays, addressing climate-related themes, represent the culmination of a decade-long initiative to tell climate-conscious stories through theatre. Since 2015, CCTA has commissioned over 250 short plays and made them available for free during its biennial, global distributed festival. CCTA plays have been performed hundreds of times on every inhabited continent. 

 NYC Climate Theatre Partners – L to R – Ian Garrett, Anika Larsen of New York City Children’s Theatre / co-Writer and Director of The Pocket Park Kids, and  Molly Braverman and Austin Sora of the Broadway Green Alliance

During the event, guests enjoyed readings of a few short plays from 2023, learned about theatre artists and organisations in NYC engaging with the climate crisis and heard from a panel of previous event organizers. Partner organisations including Theatre Row, the Broadway Green Alliance, and New York City Children’s Theatre shared their efforts to green theatre practices. 

The celebration also featured a preview of CCTA’s exciting programme for the 2025 Edinburgh Festival, where Venue 13 will host 18 readings in partnership with other theatre companies to present all 50 plays. Information about how to participate in the Edinburgh Festival was shared along with how to participate in the global festival. This international gathering promises to bring together a global community of climate-focused theatre-makers and audiences to inspire action through storytelling.  

Notable partners for CCTA’s first ever self-organized reading series include Culture for Climate Scotland (CCS, formerly Creative Carbon Scotland) and the Traverse Theatre. The Traverse, whose resident playwrights will be featured in CCTA 2025 , will bring CCTA to their prominent theatre bookstore, and offer the full series of  anthologies, including both a new edition of the 2017 anthology “Where is the Hope?” and a chapbook of the ten commissioned  plays for 2025. 

The 2025 CCTA/Venue 13 Team – L to R – Vanesa Kelly, Ian Garrett, Chantal Bilodeau, Julia Levine

This event also marked the culmination of the commissioning part of CCTA. Following this year’s festival, CCTA will continue to encourage people to read and perform the plays from its vast collection, and use them in class settings but year round instead of in a condensed festival format. It will also support the use of the plays, especially by people with little theatre experience, through the creation of educational materials and other resources

CCTA Co-Director, and Venue 13 Producer Ian Garrett, remarked: “This year marks 10 years of investing in the creation of new plays and the dramatisation of climate change. We’ve commissioned over 250 plays from playwrights from all over the world for performances on every continent. It is bittersweet to end the commissioning of new plays after a decade, having seen all of the creative ways this topic has been approached. We’ve seen a significant increase in climate change theatre everywhere, it felt like the right time for us to shift our focus. It is an honour for Venue 13 to showcase these plays at the Fringe Festival as an acclaimed farewell.”